The 2025 Asian Winter Games officially known as the 9th Asian Winter Games, and commonly known as Harbin 2025, will be the ninth edition of the Asian Winter Games, a multi-sport event celebrated from 28 February to 9 March 2025 in Harbin in China.
Copper is extracted from which ore?
Petroleum is a mixture of-
Which sodium compound is the most popular additive in sauces, salad dressings, and beverages for its preservative action?
The important ore of aluminium is-
The Egg shell is made up of which of the following?
When copper sulphate solution reacts with iron metal, copper metal is formed. Which of the following reactions is this?
Lewis Acid is a species (charged or uncharged) which can accept a pair of
Which compound/acid commonly known as Aspirin?
The combining power of an element is called its:
Which of the following statements about the modern periodic table is NOT correct?