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Indian Olympic Association (IOA) on Friday appointed Indian Premier League side Rajasthan Royals' former official Raghuram Iyer as its Chief Executive Officer (CEO), a year after it was due and following repeated reminders from the IOC.
How important is it for you to have alone time?
Are you detail-oriented or big-picture oriented?
How do you handle situations where you are required to compromise your integrity or values?
How likely are you to take on leadership roles or responsibilities in a group or organization?
How do you balance your own needs and desires with those of others?
How do you approach circumstances in which you must cooperate with people whose personalities clash with your own?
How do you deal with failure?
How important is it for you to have a sense of purpose or meaning in your life?
Do you enjoy taking risks?
What steps do you take when your values or beliefs clash with those of your company or organisation?