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Deuce : When both the players reach a tie of 40-40 scores and they need to score two points consecutively. Second Serve : It is the second chance when a player hits the serve before double fault after missing the first serve. Slam Dunk : It is a basketball shot in which the player jumps high to the level of the rim and puts the ball in. Volley : When the player hits the ball before it touches the ground and bounces off. Airball, Bounce pass, Chest pass and Foul lane are some common terms related to basketball. Ace, Approach shot, Double fault, Court cross, Kick serve and Smash are some terms related to Tennis
Out of the following thinkers who has not contributed to the development and theories of Torts?______.
Who for the first time coined the term, Legal theory?
Which one of the following under CPC is not correctly matched:
As per SAT(Procedure) Rules 2000, a memorandum of appeal sent by post shall be deemed to have been presented in the registry
What is the time period within which subsequent AGMs should be from the date of closing of the Financial Year?
As per the Companies Act no company limited by shares shall issue any preference shares which are______________
Central Government can supersede the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority for a maximum period of …… for mentioned reasons.
As per Negotiable Instrument Act, the term negotiable means
What is the objective with which the Insurance Advisory Committee is established under section 25 of the IRDA Act?
A company filing a shelf prospectus shall be required to file an information memorandum containing all material facts relating to________________