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In golf, the term 'put hole' refers to the small hole on the green into which players aim to drive the ball. Golf is a precision club-and-ball sport involving the use of various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course in the fewest strokes possible.
The National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (NBFGR) is located in which Indian city?
In freshwater, the body fluid of fishes is:-
What is the budgetary target set for agriculture credit in financial year 2021-22 special focus given to animal husbandry, fisheries and dairy farmers
Which fish processing method can cause a significant alteration in taste and odor and is used for preservation?
Which category of marine fish includes species like Sardines and Mackerels?
Which fish by-product is used extensively in food and pharmaceutical products as a stabilizing agent?
What term is used to describe an immature fish from the time they hatch until they become fingerlings?
ICAR—the Directorate of Research on Cold Water Fisheries—is situated at....
What is India’s rank in Fish production and aquaculture production?
National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) is situated in____