The first-ever Kho-Kho World Cup will take place in New Delhi from January 13 to 19, 2025. The Kho-Kho Federation of India (KKFI) announced the event, with teams from 24 countries expected to compete. The event will be held at the Indira Gandhi International Stadium. The tournament will feature both men's and women's teams, with an innovative rule involving a 'Wazir' player on the field.
Which of the following statements about transfer payments are correct?
1) Transfer payments are made by the government to households.
2) P...
Among the following options, which languages in India have not been granted the status of classical language?
Baglihar Hydroelectric power plant is located in which of the following state/UT?
The authorities of which country denied the permission to land the ship Komagata Maru, carrying Indians?
Deepika Kumari, a sports woman, excels in which sports discipline?
The Gurkhas imposed tax on leather goods which was known as
Where is the headquarters of ESAF Small Finance Bank located?
Lord Willian Bentinck, the Governor General of India passed a law in ______ abolishing the custom of Sati.
Which one of the following statements is not correct?
In which state is Vishakhapatnam Port located?