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1993 was the year in which the first Mutual Fund Regulations came into being, under which all mutual funds, except UTI were to be registered and governed.
How is H related to C?
Introducing a lady to her wife, a man said, “Her sister’s mother is the only daughter of my grandmother.” How is the man related to this lady? <...
If N has a brother, then how is M related to brother of N?
How is N related to M?
Q is the daughter of A. P is the wife of A. Q has two children S and T. S is the son of R. M is the brother of Q. T is the sister of S. How is M related...
If E is the mother of F then, how is E related to K?
Who is the mother of N?
How is S related to Q?
Pointing to a photograph, Rashika said” He is the grandson of my grandmother’s only child.” How is the boy in photograph related to Ra...
Pointing to a photograph, a girl tells Umesh “I am the only daughter of this lady and her son is your maternal uncle.” How is the speaker related to...