A film based on the life of the Indian revolutionary Udham Singh was directed by Shoojit Sircar and has starred Vicky Kaushal.
In a certain code language, 'tim pac' means 'red colour', 'pit it tim' means 'red and black' and 'nac pit' means 'yellow black'. Which word in that lang...
Which of the following is the code for “really” in the given language?
What is the code for ‘is’?
In a certain code language, ‘TORN’ is written as ‘4’ and ‘POWER’ is written as ‘5’. What will be the code for ‘HEALTHY’ in that code...
Which of the following of coded as ‘pik’?
In a certain code language, ‘ASK’ is written as ‘31’ and ‘LOT’ is written as ‘47’. What will be the code for ‘GET’ in that code lang...
Which of the following is the code for " teach lesson "?
What is the code for “customer excerpt militants”?
If in a certain code language “STRONGER” is coded as ‘20’, ‘POSITIONAL’ is coded as ‘49’, then, ____ is coded as ‘45’ in the same co...
Which of the following may be the code for ‘other the happy’?