MUDRA Loan is offered under the Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) which was launched in 2015 with the aim to help small scale businesses expand and attain success. MUDRA stands for Micro-Units Development and Refinance Agency. Under this scheme, borrowers can avail business loans ranging from Rs.50,000 to Rs.10 lakh and also avail different types of loans in which one type is Working capital loan via MUDRA cards.
Un irrigated tobacco grown in Odisha is
It is the practice of smoking under trees to induce early flowering in mango., The popular practice is said to be
Critical stage of water requirement in groundnut is
Tea is a
Relay Cropping is _____
Which type of nursery bed is mostsuitable for the winter season among theoptions provided?
The practice of smoking under trees to induce early flowering in mango is known as _____
Soybean contains __% protein and ___% oil content.
Variety of super rice is
The variety of mango ‘Sindhu’’ is produced from the crossing between……………….