Cyclone Tauktae (pronounced as Tau'Te) got its name from India's neighboring country Myanmar, which means "Gecko",it is a highly vocal lizard in Burmese and mostly cyclone names are given by countries on rotation basis in the region.
Which of the following systems is typically designed to support managerial decision-making?
Which type of Memory is typically the fastest in a computer system?
Which of the following algorithms is commonly used in Machine Learning for clustering tasks?
Which type of malware disguises itself as legitimate software but has malicious intent once installed?
In mobile computing, which type of network allows devices to connect directly to each other without using a central router or switch?
Which of the following is a valid operation on a linked list data structure?
Which of the following services is NOT commonly provided by AI/ML platforms?
Which of the following algorithms is most commonly used in Operating Systems for deadlock prevention?