The government of India in 2016, launched the Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) after scraping down the earlier insurance schemes viz. Modified National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (MNAIS), Weather-based Crop Insurance scheme, and the National Agriculture Insurance Scheme (NAIS). Annual Commercial / Annual Horticultural crops, oilseeds, and food crops (Cereals, Millets, and Pulses) are covered under the scheme. There will be a uniform premium of only 2% to be paid by farmers for all Kharif crops and 1.5% for all Rabi crops. In case of annual commercial and horticultural crops, the premium to be paid by farmers will be only 5%.
What is the efficiency of drip irrigation?
Main Institute for Agriculture Research & Education in India is?
Vegetative propagation is an asexual method of plant reproduction and different plants are propagated by using different vegetative propagules. Coconut...
Which viral disease affects carp species and is caused by Rhabdovirus carpio (RVC)?
Under which condition the hybrid seeds produced should be compulsorily subjected to grow out test for grant of certificate?
At field capacity the value of pF is:
Yellow rust is in wheat crop can be controlled by spraying of which one of the following using 200litres of water as soon as yellow rust is noticed ...
Which breed of goat has the highest lactation length?
Change in the base sequence within a gene is called
Which of the following is a function of cuboidal epithelial tissue?