Raja Ravi Varma, also known as 'The Father of Modern Indian Art' was an Indian painter of the 18th century who portrayed scenes from the epics of the Mahabharata and Ramayana.
Which tributary of the Indus River originates from Lake Mansarovar?
Consider the following peaks:
1. Saramati
2. Nokrek
3. Makalu
4. Annapurna
5. Kamet
6. Nanda Devi...
Consider the following statements about Lonar lake:
1. It is a salt water lake located in peninsular India.
2. The lake was formed due to ...
India shares its longest international border with ________.
Consider the following pairs in the context of the Northern plains in India:
With reference to the Sundarbans delta, consider the following statements:
1. Sundarbans delta is formed by the floodplain of Ganges, the Brahmap...
Which mountain pass connects Ladakh with the Kashmir Valley in Jammu and Kashmir?
Which state is known as the 'Molasses basin'?
Which river is known as the 'Sorrow of Bengal.
Consider the following pairs:
Tribe State
1. Limboo (Limbu) Sikkim
2. ...