In a bid to promote digital transactions, the Reserve Bank increased the per transaction limit from Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh through Immediate Payment Service (IMPS). Money can be sent to any beneficiary through IMPS mobile platform by only providing his/her mobile no. and Mobile Money Identifier (MMID). IMPS managed by the National Payments Corporation of India (NPCI) is an important payment system providing 24x7 instant domestic funds transfer facility and is accessible through various channels like internet banking, mobile banking apps, bank branches, ATMs, SMS and IVRS.
Currently the Union Minister of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying is……………….
Efficiency with which irrigation water is conveyed from the source to field is indicated by
Isabgol is an important medicinal crop. It is used as a bulk-forming, laxative drug. The botanical name of Isabgol is
...Moist soils warms up slowly because
Which of the following crops can yield the highest quantity of green fodder?
What is the term for the arrangement of chromosomes in a descending order of size based on their centromere position?
Which cereal crop is having least amount of lysine and tryptophan?
What natural openings on the edges of leaves serve as entry points for bacterial pathogens such as Xanthomonas citri (black rot of cabbage)?
In temperate climates, pruning should not be done near the end of the summer because :
Who is the current chairperson of FSSAI?