Haryana government recently launched its ambitious “e-Adhigam” scheme under which nearly three lakh tablets were distributed to government school students of Classes 10 and 12. These devices come with preloaded content along with personalised and adaptive learning software, and 2GB free data. The government intends to provide the gadget to five lakh students from Classes 10-12. However, Class 11 students will get them after they clear the Class 10 board exams and qualify for the succeeding year.
When was the Singh Sabha movement formed in Amritsar?
In which state is the Nanda Devi National Park located?
Which of the following is a specialty of Peninsular Rivers?
______________ was the first Indian woman to write an autobiography and also the first to do so in Bengali in her book titled ‘Aamar Jiban’, which w...
The Supreme Court of India rejected the plea of ___________ to quash the summons issued by the Delhi Legislative Assembly’s Committee on Peace and Ha...
Which of the following operators connects a structure variable and its element?
Machines, tools and implements, and buildings are examples of which type of goods?
In which of the following states of India is Padayani a ritual dance art form performed at Bhadrakali temple?
The term ‘inning’ is related to which of the following sports?
Under PMAY Gramin Scheme the financial assistance of how much amount is given to per beneficiary for constructing permanent toilets to accompany each ho...