The famous Sun God Temple situated in Arasavalli Village which is at a distance of about 1km east of Srikakulam town district head quarters of the North Coastal Andhra Pradesh
The estimated number of underweight, malnourished and severely malnourished children under 5 years of age is obtained under National Family Health Surv...
Which European financial regulatory body revoked CCIL’s recognition?
As per the Economic Survey 2023-24, which sector's GVA grew by 9.9% in FY24?
Which of these are covered under Regulated Entities (RE):
1. All India Financial Institutions (AIFIs)
2. All Non-Banking Finance Companies...
Book-keeping is mainly concerned with?
Which global financial center has the largest number of financial institutions within its city limits?
What is the minimum credit rating required for the issuance of Commercial Papers (CPs) and Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs), as per the revised RBI gui...
Given that the money discount rate is 19% and Inflation is 12%, what will be the real rate of interest?
What is the minimum tradable amount at which treasury bill is quoted in secondary market?
The cost of capital for a firm _______.