The famous Sun God Temple situated in Arasavalli Village which is at a distance of about 1km east of Srikakulam town district head quarters of the North Coastal Andhra Pradesh
Orobanche is _____ type of parasitic weed.
A dwarfing rootstock suitable for kinnow mandarin is _____
Which of the following is an extra early maturing variety of pigeon pea?
The maximum amount of energy is liberated on oxidation of ____
Match Lis I with List II
Choose the correct answer f...
Anaerobic respiration is called as
Which weed classification involves plants that grow in wild as well as cultivated lands?
The livestock census aims to collect information about all the livestock along with their age, sex composition, etc. The livestock census is conducted o...
Krebs cycle/TCA cycle occurs in _____ cell organelle.
Crops grown to supplement the yield of main crops are called