Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has launched a new health and wellness app AAYU to address and help heal chronic diseases and lifestyle disorders through yoga. About App: ● The App would provide users with personalized wellness solutions and offer doctor consultations based on an individualrsquo;s personal history and monitor its progress enabling them to accelerate healing and recovery. ● The app would provide users with customised wellness solutions and doctor consultations based on their specific histories, as well as track their progress, allowing them to heal and recover faster. ● The App is accessible in various languages and aims to reach and impact over five million chronic disease patients within the next five years. ● The App addresses the root cause of the diseases, goes beyond temporary care and helps restore lost health. Also, aims to cure diseases borne out of lifestyle disorders that have plagued people over the past decades. About Karnataka Capital: Bengaluru. Governor: Thawar Chand Gehlot Chief Minister: Basavaraj Bommai
I. 9/(4 )p + 7/8p = 21/12
II. 7/5p = 9/10q + 1/4
I. x2 - 17x + 70 = 0
II. y2 - 11y + 28 = 0
I. x² + 11x + 24 = 0
II. y² + 17y + 72 = 0
Solve the quadratic equations and determine the relation between x and y:
Equation 1: x² - 50x + 600 = 0
Equation 2: y² - 51y + 630 = 0
I. 2b2- 37b + 143 = 0
II. 2a2+ 15a - 143 = 0
If a quadratic polynomial y = ax2 + bx + c intersects x axis at a and β, then
I.8(x+3) + 8(-x) =72
II. 5(y + 5) + 5(-y) = 150
I. 15b2+ 26b + 8 = 0
II. 20a2+ 7a - 6 = 0
The equation q2 - 17x + C = 0, has two roots ‘x’ and ‘y’ such that (x – y) = 7. Find an equation which is equal to thrice of the gi...
If x^2 - 7x + k = 0 has roots that are equal, what is the value of k?