The Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh inaugurated North India’s first Industrial Biotech Park at Ghatti, Kathua, Jammu along with Shri. Manoj Sinha, Lieutenant Governor, UT of J&K. The Biotech Park would act as hub for incubation of new ideas and will act as a robust platform to support the Agri-entrepreneurs, Startups, Progressive farmers, scientists, scholars and students not only from Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh but also from nearby States of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh.
In which part of the Indian Constitution are ‘Fundamental Duties’ outlined?
Which schedule of the Indian Constitution lists the official languages of the nation?
The Constitution (101st) Amendment Act, 2016 pertains to which of the following?
Article 27 of the Constitution describes
The President of India has the power of pardoning under which Article?
Who is empowered to convene joint sessions of both Houses of Parliament in India?
In which year was the Indian Penal Code (IPC), which defines the substantive part of criminal law in India, enacted?
Who discovered Electron?
The financial emergency provisions in the Indian Constitution have been borrowed from which of the following?
Which of the following Articles of the Indian Constitution are related to citizenship?