It was launched in New Delhi, the scheme was launched by the Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena to make Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs) partners in the tax collection and waste management ecosystem in aiming at improving efficiency and compliance in tax collection by encouraging RWAs.
Pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’ can fill a tank in 6 hours and 9 hours, respectively. If pipe ‘C’ is opened along with pipes ‘A’ and ‘B’, then the...
Tap A can fill a tank in 20 hours and tap B can emptied it is 25 hours. Tap A starts filling and they opened for 1 hour each alternatively in what time ...
Pipes 'X' and 'Y' can fill a tank in 15 hours and 10 hours respectively, while pipe 'Z' can empty it in 30 hours. All pipes are opened together when the...
Two pipes, A and B, can independently fill the tank in 20 minutes and 30 minutes respectively, while pipe C can empty 12 gallons from the tank in 4 min...
In bucket A and B, the quantity of mixture are (3z-25) litre and (5z+25) litre respectively. If (y-15) and (y+60) litres of water is mixed in bucket A a...
Pipes 'A' and 'B' have the capacity to fill a tank in 12 hours and 15 hours, respectively. Conversely, pipe 'C' can drain the same tank in 20 hours. Ini...
There are 3 inlet and (z-1) outlet pipes attached to a tank. Each inlet pipe takes 40 hours to fill the tank, and each outlet pipe empties the fully fil...
Pipe P can fill a tank by itself in 16 hours, while pipe R can empty the tank in 36 hours when it is full. Together, pipes P and ...
Two pipes, A and B, can fill a tank in 12 hours and 15 hours respectively, while a third pipe, C, can empty the tank in 10 hours. If all three pipes are...
Two pipes, A and B, can independently fill the tank in 20 minutes and 25 minutes respectively, while pipe C can empty 7 gallons from the tank in 5 minut...