Union Finance Minister launched India's first agri-commodity option in gaur seed. It was launched by NCDEX or National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange in New Delhi.
Which nation declared a State of Emergency in response to riots sparked by a pay dispute?
India’s increased exports to Russia include which of the following technology types?
Which of the following city is the headquarter of International Financial Services Centres Authority?
What is the total prize money for the Hockey India League (HIL) 2024-25 edition?
NHPC has raised_______ through the issuance of non - convertible bonds on private placement basis .
Which state in India has established its first HIV-1 viral load laboratory?
Which Indian state is using drone technology and a digital platform to revive the PM-KUSUM programme?
As per the Union Budget of 2022-23, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman announced “The Emergency Credit Line Guarantee Scheme (ECLGS) will be exte...
In which year was the "Padhe Bharat, Badhe Bharat" program launched as part of the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan framework?
The country's largest lender, State Bank of India, has raised ____ in its largest syndicated social loan for onward lending to ESG projects, affordable ...