Pullampara has become the first grama panchayat in India to attain full digital literacy. The Digi Pullampara project was started on August 15, 2021. Digital literacy was imperative for the public to get government services as well as connect with the global knowledge network. The government is taking various steps to make Kerala a knowledge society so that people can access information from any part of the world. The vision behind the project is that people can use the digitally obtained information for better productivity. Digital India Digital India is a campaign launched by the Indian Government on July 1, 2015. Prime Minister Narendra Modi launched the campaign. The vision behind the campaign is to ensure that the Government’ s services are available to people electronically. The campaign ensures improved online infrastructure by increasing internet connectivity or making the nation digitally empowered in the field of technology. About Kerala Capital: Thiruvananthapuram Chief minister: Pinarayi Vijayan Governor: Arif Mohammad Khan
Select the most appropriate meaning of the Given idiom.
Get a gold star :
An idiom is used in three sentences. You need to choose the right option that covers the correct usage amongst these three sentences.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
Hold your horses
The aged employees were offered a golden handshake by the management.
The given idiom is followed by four meanings. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given idiom.
In dribs and drabs
Directions : Which of the following phrases (I), (II) and (III) given below the sentence should replace the emboldened phrase to make the sentence gram...
The new policy is a double-edged sword ; it has both advantages and disadvantages.
Select the most appropriate meaning of the bold idiom in the given sentence.
This problem is a hard nut to crack ,it will take longer than th...
An idiom/phrase is given in bold. Following this idiom/phrase are given three sentences, which use the given idiom/phrase. The idiom/phrase may or may ...
You are required to identify the words that are contextually similar to the phrase given in bold and mark that as your answer. If none of the options e...