Chhattisgarh chief minister Bhupesh Baghel inaugurated the state’ s own Olympics. Baghel inaugurated the grand multi- sport event at Balbir Singh Juneja Indoor Stadium in Raipur, claiming to revive the age- old- tradition of traditional games namely ‘ langdi’ , ‘ bhaura’ , ‘ bati’ ( kancha) , and ‘ pitthul’. The event will continue till January 6, 2023 and as many as 14 types of traditional sports have been included in the team and individual categories of separate age groups. About Chhattisgarh Capital: Raipur Chief minister: Bhupesh Baghel Governor: Anusuiya Uikey
Which of the following is a soft copy output device?
A function inside another function is called a ….. Function.
Identify the element that differs from the others:
Which device is used to convert internet services into different paths?
Which among the following is incorrect about cache memory?
Which of the following is not a magnetic disk?
Which of the following is an Electrical pathway to transfer data among different parts of the computer?
What is an operating system?
A feature of MS Office that saves the document automatically after certain interval is called ____
Which among the following defects in the computer software, prevents the software from working ?