The pre monsoon rainfall occur in the states of Karnataka and Kerala is known as Mango Shower as it helps in ripening of mangoes there.
Quantity 1: A factory produces 1200 gadgets in 8 hours. If the production rate is increased by 25%, how many gadgets can be produced in the same time?
Quantity 1: Q : A number, greater than one, the difference between itself and its reciprocal is 40% of the sum of itself and its reciprocal. The square ...
Quantity-I: 65 km
Quantity-II: 'P' and 'Q' both start traveling simultaneously from point 'X' t...
Quantity I: The price of rice is decreased by 30%, by how much % the consumption is increase so that the expenditure will decreased by 10%?
What is the profit percent or loss percent incurred in the transaction?
Statement I: 5% discount is given on the marked price.
Quantity-I: A mixture contains 50% milk and the rest 360 litres water. When (x −15) litres of water and (x+10) litres of milk are added to this mixt...
Quantity-I: Determine the value of (x + y - z)3 + (x - y + z)3 - 8x3 .
Quantity-II: Determine the value of 6...
What is the population of village A in 2021?
Quantity I: Population of village A in 2020 was 65,000 and it increased by 12% in 2021 over 2020.
Which of the following pair of symbols will define the relation between Quantity I and Quantity II
Quantity 1: A boat covers 60 km upstream in 6 ...
Which of the following pair of symbols will define the relation between Quantity I and Quantity II and between Quantity II and Quantity III respectively...