This will be India's longest road tunnel and the longest bi-directional tunnel in Asia. The tunnel will provide all weather connectivity between Srinagar, Kargil and Leh. It will be a 14.2 km long bi-directional tunnel.
According to section 12A of the Airports Authority of India Act no shall be made without the previous approval of the _______________________
Oral admissions as to the contents of a document are
The proceedings of Arbitral Tribunal________.
As per the Constitution of India, State includes?
The ______________ may if it is satisfied that it is necessary to issue directions to insurers generally or to any insurer in particular, he may, from t...
Presumption as to electronic agreements is discussed under section ….of Indian Evidence Act?
A witness, who is unable to speak, gives his evidence in writing or by signs in the open court; evidence so given shall be deemed to be:
The case of Mohd. Ahmad Khan V. Shah Bano Begum is related with :
Parties are free to determine the number of arbitrators in an Arbitral Tribunal provided that-
Mortgaged property is leased and the Mortgagor redeems the mortgage: