-Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chauhan launched 'Single Click Pension Delivery' scheme. Now the money will go directly into the account of the beneficiaries. -35 lakh people of the state will be benefitted from this initiative.
A shopkeeper sold an article for Rs. 600 after offering a discount of 40%. If he earned a profit of 50%, then find the ratio of cost price to the marked...
Profit percentage received on a product when sold for Rs.450 is equal to the percentage loss incurred when the same product is sold for Rs.300. Find the...
P purchased a book from registered store and gets 20% discount while Q purchased the same book from a roadside stall and got 24% discount. If Q paid Rs....
A shopkeeper marked an article Rs. 700 above its cost price and sold it after giving a discount of 20% and earned a profit of 30%. Find the cost price o...
Amazon allows 15% discount to his customers and still earn 19% profit. If the production cost of the product is increased by 12% therefore Amazon issued...
After selling 15 chairs, a furniture shop earns a profit equivalent to the selling price of 3 tables. While selling 10 tables, the shop earns a profit e...
Last year Mr. A bought two paintings. This year he sold them for Rs, 20,000 each. On one, he made a 25% profit and on the other he had a 25% loss. Then ...
The cost price of a rice bag is 40% of the cost price of a sugar bag. The rice bag is sold at a 60% profit, while the sugar bag i...
A loss of 10(1/2) % gets converted into a profit of 11(3/5) % when the selling price is increased by Rs 265.20. The cost price (in Rs) of the article is:
If an article is sold at 25% discount at mark-price then loss percent is 10%. If the article is sold at marked price then what will be profit or loss pe...