Uttar Pradesh’s Sarita Singh set a new national record in the women’s hammer throw with an effort of 65.25 metres to claim the gold medal at the 21st Federation Cup national senior athletics championships. Sarita broke the previous national record of 62.74m scripted by Manju Bala in 2014.
A businessman buys some lemons at the rate of 2 for 1 rupee and the same number of lemons at the rate of 3 for 1 rupee. At what price should he sell all...
Priya sold an article at 20% profit. If the profit percentage had been numerically equal to CP, then the profit earned would have been 100% more. Find t...
A bought a laptop for Rs.16000. He spent 22% of the amount that he had paid for buying it for its repair. He then sold the laptop to B and earned a prof...
An article is sold at a price that is 40% higher than its cost price. After offering a discount of Rs. 116, the seller still makes a profit of 24%. Wha...
In a certain store, the profit is 320% of the cost. If the cost increases by 25% but the selling price remains constant, approximately what perce...
A bicycle shop sold 150 bicycles in January and 180 in February. The cost price of each bicycle is ₹2,500. If the shop offers a discount of 10% on the...
A salesman sells a washing machine for Rs 24,000 and gains a profit of 25%. If the production cost is increased by 15%, what should be the new selling p...
A Shopkeeper gives 2 articles free on the purchase of every 10 articles. He also allows a discount of 20% to customer and still earn 25% profit. Find th...
A digital wall clock is labeled with a price that is 75% higher than its cost price, resulting in the marked price being Rs. 1,800 more than the cost pr...
Pooja purchased a laptop at the price of Rs. 80,000 and sold it at a loss of 10%. With this money, she again purchased a new laptop and sold that at a p...