The state was officially formed on 2nd June 2014. It is a public holiday in the state.
What may be the possible height of pole W?
If B is the lightest among all then which of the following person is second lightest?
S, T, U, V and W are friends. U runs faster than T but slower than V. S is the slowest runner and W runs faster than V. Who runs the fastest among the f...
Six players S, T, U, V, W, and X scored different runs in a cricket match. V scored more than X and S. Three players scored more than W, who scored just...
What is the probable weight of T?
How is P related to N if L is a female?
How many persons are younger than H?
Read the directions carefully and answer the following question.
In a row of girls, Nikita is 16th from the front and in the same ro...
If the sum of the weights of U and S is 100kg then, what can be the weight of item P?
How many persons have better marks than V?