Pawndum is an essential traditional cloth of the Mizo community. It is a rectangular piece of fabric used as a body wrap by both men and women.
Global rank of India in terms of Vegetable and Fruit Production?
What percentage of financial assistance is provided by the government for Micro Irrigation installation for Small & Marginal farmers?
Who is known as the father of economics?
The direct manipulation of genes in a plant to change the genetic makeup of cells, including the
transfer of genes within and across species bo...
Pedagogy’ is for ______
The seed rate for summer mungbean or greengram is
All India Soil Survey and Land Use Organization was established in:
In India, which type of maize is mainly grown
Atlas 66 is a biofortified hybrid wheat variety which has been used as a donor for improving cultivated wheat and is rich in
A pentasaccharide that contains four units of galactose and one unit of sucrose, occurs mostly in
leguminous plants, which among the following ...