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Green Credit Scheme allows agencies (private companies, village forest communities etc.) to identify land and grow plantations. After three years, the land would be eligible to be considered as compensatory forest land if it meets the criteria set by the Forest Department.
What is the average of odd numbers greater than 10 but less than 30?
The average number of sweets distributed in a class of 25 students is 6. If ‘x’ number of students newly joined the class and the average becomes 5,...
The average weight of 4 persons is 40 kg. The heaviest person’s weight is 26 kg more than the lightest person’s weight. If the average weight of the...
The average salary of a group of 60 employees is Rs. 400. If 6 employees receiving an average salary of Rs. 450 leave the group and 4 new employees rece...
Average of four numbers is 25. Sum of smallest and largest number is 54. If difference between other two numbers is 2, then find the square of second sm...
The average of 10 numbers is 102. The average of the first 5 numbers is 78 and the average of the last 4 numbers is 46. What is the 6th number?
The average of five even numbers is 66. If we replace two of these even numbers, 84 and 92, with a single even number X, the new average decreases by 4....
The average marks of all the students decreased by 2 when it was found that marks of one of the student were wrongly interpreted as 80 instead of 40. Fi...
Average run scored by a batsman in 20 innings is 50. In next 6 innings, he scored runs with an average of ‘x’ so that his overall average increases ...
Mixture X comprises juice and water in a 5:4 ratio, and mixture Y consists of juice and water in a 7:9 ratio. When mixture X is combined with mixture Y,...