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Mola Ram himself initially painted in the Mughal style until visiting Kangra, e.g. his painting Mastani is in the Mughal idiom, while his later paintings, e.g. Vasakasajja Nayika, are in the Garhwal style, and can be called Garhwali Paintings in true sense. He wrote the historical work Garhrajvansh Ka Itihas (History of the Garhwal royal dynasty) which is the source of information about several Garhwal rulers. He also wrote Ganika Natak or Garh Gita Sangram in 1800
The yearly sequence and spatial arrangement of crops or of crops and fallow on a given area is known as
Phenyl mercuric acetate (PMA) is a ______ of antitranspirant.
The term Retting is associated with which crop?
The photolysis of water during photosynthesis occurs in the presence of following mineral(s):
Which one is not a herbicide?
The general recommended seed rate for barley is
Which one of the following stage present in meiotic cell division but not in mitotic cell Division?
Gurgaon project was started by
Total wheat production according to third advance estimate of 2023-24 is ___
The optimum temperature for the germination of wheat seed is ____.