Select the set in which the number are related in the same way as the numbers of the following set.
(12, 30, 204)
In the question below, some letters are given in two ovals, intersecting each other. The letter(s) given in the intersected portion can be used more tha...
According to the equation P4Q5R5S, what is the relation between the son of P to son of S?
In each of the given number-clusters, the number on the right side of = (the equal to sign) is calculated by performing certain mathematical operations ...
Three of the following four are alike in a certain way and thus form a group. Which is the one that does NOT belong to that group?
(NOTE: Operati...
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as are the numbers of the following sets.
(NOTE : Operations should be performed ...
In this question, a group of letters is coded using numbers/symbols as per the table given below and the conditions which follow. The correct combinatio...
Select a unique number for each letter in the following table according to which a meaningful word will be formed when the letters are arranged.