Gyan Chand was 29th order Chand king Contemporary Delhi rulers was Firozshah Tughlaq and Naseeruddin Mahmood Shah (1398 Timur Lang invasion). At the time of Timur Lang invasion Gyan Chand was the king of Kumaon region. To get the Terai region back under his rule, he went to the court of Firozshah in Delhi, and there Gyan Chand was given the title of Garuda by Firozshah. He is considered to be the most powerful king of the Chand Dynasty. We have received 3 important records of Gyan Chand - 1. Sera Khadkot (Pithoragarh): Gyan Chand has been called Rajadhiraj Maharaj. 2. Majheda copper Plate (Sore area): Gyan Chand has been called "Shri Raja Vijay Brahm" 3. Gobasa Copper Plate (Pithoragarh): Gyan Chand gifted land to Devraj Tiwari.
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