The National Film Archive of India (NFAI) is headquartered at Pune, Maharashtra. It has three regional offices at Bangalore, Calcutta and Thiruvananthapuram. NFAI was established as a media unit of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting in February 1964.
A train travels at an average speed of 100 km per hour without stoppage and with stoppages it covers the same distance at an average speed of 80 km/hr. ...
Train A running at speed of 99 km/hr crosses a platform having twice the length of train in 18 sec. Train B whose length is 390m crosses same platform i...
Train P travelling at 62 km/hr crosses another train Q, having three fourth of its length and travelling in opposite direction at 28 km/hr in 14 seconds...
Train Q of length 360m can cross a pole in 12sec and it can cross train P running in opposite direction in 100/7 sec. If the speed of train P is 2/5 of ...
Train ‘A’ of length 150 metres crosses a platform of length 250 meters in 20seconds. If the ratio of the speed of train ‘A’ to that of train ‘...
A train crosses a bridge in 15 secs while it crosses a man standing on a platform in 8 secs. If the speed of train 108 km/hrs, then what will be the ti...
A train travelling with a speed of 54 km/h can cross a pole in 6 seconds. Find the time taken by the train to cross a 180 metres long platform if the sp...
A high-speed Bullettrain takes 20 seconds to cross a platform. The length of the Bullettrain is 40% less than the length of the platform. If the Bullett...
A train 200 m long running at 36 km/hr takes 45 seconds to cross a bridge. The length of the bridge is
Two trains 165 metres and 135 metres in length are running towards each other on parallel tracks, one at the rate 70 km/hr and another at 38 km/hr. In h...