The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to extend the Payments Infrastructure Development Fund (PIDF) for two years up to December 31, 2025. Earlier, the scheme was launched in 2021 for a period of three years. Additionally, the subsidy for special focus areas, such as North Eastern states, Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh, has been standardised at 90 per cent from 75 per cent of the device cost, irrespective of the device type. The corpus of PIDF stands at Rs 1,026.37 crore as of November 30, 2023.
Recently which app is launched by Ministry of Textiles to provide important information about MSP and agronomy to jute farmers?
Awned varieties give more yield under drought situations as compared to awnless varieties and the contribution of awns in photosynthesis to grain is
Male & female misquotes have different types of antennae. Which of the following type of antennae is present?
Whether use of Iodized Salt is mandatory in standardized products, which specify the use of Edible Common Salt?
Which factor primarily contributes to “sorghum sickness” observed in fields after harvesting the crop?
A soil is having bulk density of 1.5 then the pore space (%) will be:
Match list I with list II
Which fish species was genetically improved to create "Amrit Catla"?
Based on morphology, weeds are NOT classified as ________.
Double fertilization in plants could be explained as :