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The Sardar Sarovar Dam is a concrete gravity dam built on the Narmada River near the town of Kevadiya, in Narmada District, in the Indian state of Gujarat.
Soil structure classification based on general shapes and arrangement of peds are called
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is a global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. Who is the current Director-...
Headquarter of National Horticulture board is located at
Most foods have a water activity above:
If the time shown in a clock is 8:20, then what will be the clock angle made by minute and hour hands?
Panama wilt disease marked with wilting and a light yellow colouring of the lower leaves, most prominent around the margins, is a disease of ____
Who is known as the father of economics?
Which of the following is NOT a pest of paddy plant?
In periodic table, Helium is placed at-
_____is the hardiest crop among all the pulses.