The most populous state according to the 2011 Census is UTTAR PRADESH.
Panasonic Smart TVs come with a 1-800 number for customers to call and receive help setting up their new machine. This is an example of:
The process of conveying a message to others that requires six central elements - a source, a message, a channel of communication, a receiver, and the p...
Stores that carry a considerable assortment (depth) of a related line of items are called:,, and are all Internet companies that are called "go-betweens." Since the purpose of these websites is to put ...
Hyperglobal Mart has been opening an increasing number of stores in areas where the ‘millennials' generation makes up a large proportion of the popula...
When a manufacturer directs its promotional mix at ultimate consumers to encourage them to ask retailers for the product, the strategy is called a:
When assessing different types of ‘recovery drinks' to consume post donating blood you recall an ad from 'Sting' highlighting the differences between ...
Demand is an economic principle referring to a consumer's desire to purchase goods and services:
The offer of one free pizza with the purchase of two pizzas at the regular price might appeal to you one evening. This type of incentive offer is an exa...
A milkman attempts to understand if by displaying a large sign board labelled "buy two get one free" scheme on one litre milk will result in an increa...