• According to data released by StartupBlink, India moved up to 17th position in 2018 from 37th spot last year in the Startup Ecosystem Ranking for 2019. - The top three spots remained unchanged with the United States, United Kingdom and Canada. • The cities with the most vibrant startup ecosystems in India are Bangalore, New Delhi, and Mumbai.
What covers professionals for negligence and errors or omissions that injure their clients?
Which of the following is a reinsurance company in India?
Policy that can be cancelled or have the premium s raised by the insurer on a specific anniversary date, subject to certain reasons written into the pol...
Under motor insurance, ambulances are classified under which class?
A term policy that can be converted to permanent coverage rather than expiring on a specific date is called _________.
Coverage for bodily injury and property damage incurred through ownership or operation of a vehicle is called?
In which year New India Assurance Co Ltd nationalized?
Which of the following term matches with Family Floater?
A policy that covers the cost of repairing or replacing a damaged computer system is:
Which of the following principles of Insurance enables the insured to claim the amount from the third party responsible for the loss?