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India won its first Olympic gold medal in field hockey at the 1928 Amsterdam Olympics. The Indian team, led by Dhyan Chand, dominated the tournament and began a golden era in Indian hockey.
The rate applicable to an investment lasting for n years when all the returns are realized at the end is called:
In risk management (Basel framework) advanced internal ratings-based (A-IRB) approach is used for measurement of?
Financial leverage means
Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act was a watershed moment in India’s history as it ensured full time elementary education of sati...
The chief economist C. Rangarajan prepared which of the following FYP?
What percentage of the project cost is covered for design projects under MSME-Innovative for Micro Enterprises?
Which of the following is NOT a correctly matched strategy to mitigate the given risk?
What is the outstanding balance threshold for non-performing borrowal accounts that must be reported as willful defaults?
Which of the following is not one of the pillars of Basel III?
Until when does the term of the auditorship of the first auditor extend from the date of appointment?