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The states were formed in the following chronological order: - Haryana (1966) - Goa (1987) - Jharkhand (2000) - Telangana (2014)
Edible part of litchi fruit is
Trashing, Arrowing and Ratooning are common practices in
Which tree, recognized for its lilac-colored or pale pink flowers, is often used for moderate-sized plantations due to its shiny dark green le...
Amount of DAP, which supplies 27 kg N will also supply P₂O₅ :
Identify the artificial growth inhibitor from below.
In union budget 2023-24, the budgetary allocation of Livestock sector was ____
Most commonly used fungicide for seed treatment is:
False smut is a disease of
Management is ............................................?
Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) is located at