Rukmini Devi Arundale was a pivotal figure in the revival of Bharatanatyam from its original 'sadhir' style, making significant contributions as a theosophist, dancer, and choreographer.
The documents itself produced before court is:
Sedition is an offence if anyone expresses disaffection towards the Government established by law in India by way of-
In case of a genuine electronic record more than 5 years old:
Which of the following is not a Fundamental Duty?
Which section of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 defines Private documents?
Which of the following is not a public document?
Reasonable Restrictions on freedom to assemble can be imposed
Certified copy of a Judgment is which kind of evidence?
Waging war against the government is punishable under which section of IPC?
Any charge for Impeachment of President may be preferred