Gujarat has the longest coastline in India, stretching over 1,600 kilometers. This extensive coastline has significant strategic and economic importance, contributing to the state's maritime and industrial development.
"Shoolini Fair" is celebrated in which Indian state?
Which bank wins the right to repossess and sell the businessman Vijaya Mallya luxurious house in London?
Which Indian airport ranked among the top 10 busiest airports in the world for 2023, according to Airports Council International (ACI) World?
“E motor insurance policy E Vahan” is launched by which Indian state?
Which Indian state boasts the longest coastline?
The largest Harappan archaeological site in India is-
According to the United Nations' World Economic Situation and Prospects Report, 2019, the Indian economy is expected to expand by ______in 2020.
Under a central government scheme, every Member of Parliament (MP) is granted Rs. 5 crore annually for the development of their constituency. Name the ...
Simplipal National Park, known for its tiger reserve, is in the state of:
‘PCA’ Stands for?