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Pong Dam Lake, also known as Maharana Pratap Sagar, was recognized as a Ramsar site in 2002 for its ecological importance and biodiversity, particularly its role as a habitat for numerous bird species.
If “ A * B $ C & D % B ”, then How D is related to A?
If C is the only son-in-law of J, then how is C related to Z’s father?
Statement: P ≥ Q ≥ R = S > T, U > V = W ≤ R
Conclusion: I. R ≥ U II. U > S
...M and K are brothers. C and A are sisters. M’c son is A’c brother. How is K related to C?
Pointing to a photograph of Pankaj, Tarun said. "The mother of his sister is the wife of my wife's father". How is Tarun related to Pankaj?
How is A related to J?
F is father of L and N. K is mother of O, P is son of L. P is the only brother of O. K is daughter-in-law of J. J has only one daughter and one son. Whi...
How is I related to the sibling of E?
How is E related to U?
Which of the following indicates that ‘D is grandmother of T’?