Maharashtra has set a target to achieve zero carbon emissions by 2070, supported by renewable energy initiatives.
When performing trend analysis for forecasting sales, which of the following methods is most commonly used to identify future trends based on historical...
Which data structure is used in Prim’s Algorithm to efficiently find the minimum edge connecting a vertex to the spanning tree?
Which of the following is the primary reason for ensuring stationarity in time series data before applying ARIMA models?
When decomposing time series data, which component is primarily targeted to be removed to focus on the longer-term trend?
Which of the following R functions is used to perform a t-test for comparing the means of two independent samples?
Which test is commonly applied in time series analysis to determine whether a series is stationary?
Consider the following Python code:
class Shape:
  def area(self):
    return 0
class Circle(Shape):
Which of the following methods is most commonly used for ensuring that time series data is stationary?
Which data collection method is best suited for obtaining real-time data from a third-party application?
What is the purpose of calculating an appropriate sample size in data analysis?