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India’s foreign currency assets, the largest component of its forex reserves, rose by $5.1 billion in FY24.
As per the union budget 2023-24, there are 7 priorities. Which of the following is not one of the 7 priorities?
Which of the following is NOT a component of the AMRUT Scheme?
Which of the following is the prime utility of UMANG App?
In which of the following year National Career Service Launched?
What was BASEL Committee on Banking Supervision established?
Consider the following Statements.
Assertion (A): When we compare the distribution of workforce in rural and urban areas, we notice that the self...
Consider the following statements about Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act :
I. The FRBM Act strengthens financial discipline...
Which of the following is the first community institution created by NABARD for achieving inclusive development in India?
Consider the following about Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP).
I. It is a small savings instrument that facilitates people to invest in a long-term saving...
Which of the following Statements about the National Commission for Women is/are True?
I- It is a Constitutional Body.
II- It was set up i...