The Sugamya Bharat app was launched by the Union Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to enhance accessibility across India. This app serves as a platform for citizens to report accessibility issues, which are then addressed to ensure better mobility and access for people with disabilities.
For identification and measurement of operational risk, how many loss events have been identified?
Which Indian institution plays a leading role in overseeing the Sovereign Gold Bond (SGB) Scheme?
With reference to ‘International Investment Position (IIP)’, consider the following statements:
1.India has a negative Net IIP.
2.The ...
A beneficiary of Stand Up India Scheme will be able to avail the services through which of the following ways?
I- Directly at the branch
Which premium banking service has YES Bank introduced to cater to affluent and elite customers?
The Union Cabinet approved Vibrant Villages Programme that aims at Comprehensive development of villages of blocks on northern border thus improving th...
The price specified on an option that the holder can buy or sell the underlying asset is called the:
Which of the following statements is not correct?
With reference to the System for Assessment, Awareness, and Training for Hospitality Industry (SAATHI), consider the following statements:
The population covered with bank accounts increased from 53 per cent in 2015-16 to ________ in 2019-21 (as per NFHS).