The Rashtriya Gokul Mission aims to increase milk production in India by promoting indigenous breeds and enhancing infrastructure for dairy farming.
Which of the following is not a mosquito borne disease ?
In which scenario can the provisions of EPF & Misc Act 1952 be applied to an establishment employing fewer than twenty persons?
Consider the following statements in regards to New Development bank:
1. The idea for setting up the bank was proposed by India at the 4th BRI...
Which one of the following is the acronym for the word 'NITI in NITI Aayog?
Is the total of Debit and Credit side of Trial Balance the same?
Which of the following statements are correct regarding “National social assistance programme” (NSAP)?
I. NSAP was l...
What led to Russia's suspension from the Financial Action Task Force ( FATF) ?
In which year was The Indian Museum Act passed?
In India, if a religious sect/community is given “the status of a national minority, what special advantages is it entitled to?
1. It can estab...
A train covers a certain distance at a speed of 12 km/h and the next same distance with a speed of 21 km/h and the next same distance with a speed of 36...