The PMSBY premium is collected through an annual deduction from the beneficiary’s bank account via auto-debit.
Given below are six sentences 4 of which are jumbled. The first and the last sentence are given. Pick the option that gives the logically correct order...
Below are given a few sentences with their parts jumbled in a random order. Below the sentences are given possible rearrangements of the parts. You nee...
Each question is divided into four parts a,b,c,d. In some questions they are not in the sequence so according to grammar and context re- arrangement is...
1. The psychology professor
P. to an auditorium
Q. stress management principles
R. walked around on a
S. stage while teachin...
Blooms (A) from across India come to certain (B) the flower that tourists (C) only during celebrate (D) years, usually from mid-September to ear...
Below are given a few sentences with their parts jumbled in a random order. Below the sentences are given possible rearrangements of the parts. You nee...
Given below are six sentences 4 of which are jumbled. The first and the last sentence are given. Pick the option that gives the logically correct order...
the Cochin University of Science and Technology has showed that (A)/ Madden Julian Oscillation can influence (B)/a new study by researchers at (C)/extre...
In the questions given below, a sentence has been divided into four fragments (A), (B), (C) and (D) and is arranged (not necessarily in the correct ord...
In the following question the 1st and the last part of the sentence/passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the sentence/ passage is spli...