'IRAH' is recognized as India's first AI-based film, directed by Sam Bhattacharjee. It focuses on the theme of AI misuse and features a cast including Rohit Bose Roy and Karishma Kotak, highlighting the ethical and societal impacts of artificial intelligence.
Which of the following states of India had won the UN Award- World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) prize in Geneva?
India successfully test-fired which missile off the Odisha coast?
Which of the following term is related with Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement?
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has agreed to provide how much financial assistance to Ukraine as part of a larger $15.6 billion lending programme?
Which country's central bank signed a pact with NPCI International Payments Limited (NIPL) to develop a UPI-like instant payment system?
What happens if a subscriber to the PM-SYM scheme dies before the age of 60?
Zee Entertainment Enterprises (ZEE) has settled securities law violations with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) by paying _______ as se...
. In December 2021, ____________ has been inducted as a member of the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s Advisory Committee on Mutual Funds.
The Ministry of Coal has set a 1-billion tonne (bt) coal production target by the end of the current fiscal year out of which Coal India (CIL) will p...
Which of the following module RBI is planning to move to Daksh platform?