Launched by Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, the National Pension System Vatsalya (NPS Vatsalya) is designed to secure the financial future of minors. The scheme requires an initial contribution of Rs 1,000 with subsequent annual contributions, aiming to provide a structured pension for children once they reach adulthood. This extension of the existing National Pension System caters exclusively to minors with an investment mechanism in place until they turn 18.
Statement: S ≤ M < X = H ≥ B ≥ K < V
Conclusion: X > K, K = X
Statement: M > N ≥ P > Q ≥ R > S ≥ T ≥ U > W
1. U ≤ S
2. S < Q
Statements: F ≥ S = N; U ≥ Y > E; N > G; G ≥ U
Occasionally Mondays are Tuesdays.
No Wednesday is Thursday.
A few Friday are Mondays.
A few browns are oranges.
Only orange are red.
Only a few red are whites.
No white are blues.
Statements: I > F = A ≤ M = S > T ≥ O = X
I: X < M
II: S ≥ F
Study the statements and the conclusion and point out which statement studied together will bring the conclusion.
Only a few Computer are Monitor.
No Monitor is a Scanner.
Only a few Scanner is Printer.