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The strategy emphasizing the importance of diet and physical activity for global health was adopted in 2004, fostering international cooperation to combat lifestyle-related health issues.
Select the correct combination of mathematical signs to replace the * signs and balance the given equation.
21 * 4 * 156 * 13 * 11 = 83
Which PowerPoint view displays each slide of the presentation as thumbnail and is useful for rearranging slides?
By interchanging the given two signs and numbers which of the following equation will be not correct?
× and ÷, 2 and 6
I. 7 – 4 × 3...
If all the letters of the word " FLYOVER " are arranged in alphabetical order then how many letters will retain their original position?
In which direction is Saurabh with respect to Nisha?
17 मई 2000 के 5 दिन पहले बुधवार था तो 2 व्बजण् 1999 को क्या दिन होगा ?
How is Q related to Y?
If all the vowels of the word ‘PRACTICAL’ are replaced by its succeeding letter according to the English alphabet and all the consonant are replaced...
If in the word ‘NOSTALGIC’, all the vowels are changed to the next letter and all the consonants are changed to the previous letter. Which of the fo...
अक्षरों PEHL के कितने अंग्रेजी के सार्थक शब्द बन सकते हैं , जब...