The Sangai Deer, also known as the brow-antlered deer, is an endemic and endangered species found exclusively in Manipur, India. It resides in the unique floating habitat of the Keibul Lamjao National Park, the only floating national park in the world.
The authors of the report urges online (A)/ platforms and regulators to limit (B)/streaming resolution and sets the default to (C)/SD to reducing ...
Though the scheme is proposed to be expanded 1) / during the Twelfth Five Year Plan, 2)/ the regional geriatric centers are yet to taken off 3)...
The following sentence has been split into segments. One of them may contain an error. Identify the segment that contains a grammatical error. If you d...
I have heard a lot of radio (A)/yesterday because I had to drive (B)/to and from South Caulfield twice (C)/in as much days (D)/to get my MA thesis bound...
Both Google and Facebook, as the largest platforms for content distribution, are said to be creating systems that will filter fake news .
...I. Over 120 countries have already announced their intend to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.
II. Many argue that “net zero” is not...
"Neither the manager /nor the employees were /aware of the new policy, which /were implemented last week."
Their relationship will not last long. /No error
No matter what Ashoka did in his earlier (1)/ years, in the ending he proved to be uncommonly (2)/ virtuous and wise. (3)/ No error (4)
Select the word that is spelled INCORRECTLY