The Tata Steel Chess India tournament took place in Kolkata, from 13th - 17th November, 2024 in which Magnus Carlsen won the title by bagging 13 points, despite a challenge from Arjun Erigaisi and Wesley so.
The Government of India has recently obtained rights for the renovation of which country's Kankesanturai port?
As of June 2022, which of the following languages have been given status of classical languages in India?
I. Kannada
II. Telugu
Among banks with total business above Rs 3 lakh crore, which bank had the lowest net non-performing assets (NPAs) ratio during the financial year ended ...
Which of the following periods is often considered to be a 'Little Ice Age'?
Where will the Mahakumbh 2025, a major religious event, be held, for which a new multi-coloured logo was recently unveiled?
What is the full form of 'PraVaHa', the CFD software developed by VSSC for aerodynamic design and analysis?
India celebrated the _____ anniversary of Central Industrial Security Force Raising Day on March 10, 2022.
What is the name of the special campaign initiated by the Uttarakhand Police to ensure cleanliness at pilgrimage sites and tourist destinations in Uttar...
Consider the following statements about Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary (KWS):
1. A case was recently registered against a chopper company for pur...
With reference to the BRICS, consider the following statements:
1. The chairmanship of the forum is rotated annually among the members, in ...